Tag Archives: pregnancy gingivitis

How a Dentist in Provo UT Can Ease a Woman’s Teeth Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnant Woman with Tooth Ache and Sore Gums

Pregnancy is the best time in a woman’s life, and ensuring a healthy period is a must. It includes eating a healthy diet, getting proper prenatal care, exercising, and giving up a few habits. With all these, a pregnant woman cannot afford to neglect dental health. Tooth pain or sensitivity is a problem during pregnancy. However, visiting a dentist in Provo Ut can ensure you follow good dental habits and keep your gums and teeth healthy.

Causes of teeth pain

Pregnant women experience discomfort during pregnancy. There is morning sickness experienced by many pregnant women, and pregnancy also includes fatigue, back pain, swollen feet, and brain fog.

  • However, the sensitivity or teeth pain can catch a person off guard during pregnancy. Yet, during pregnancy, dental issues are common than people realize.
  • The pregnant women’s body undergoes many changes in this stage, and it is due to hormonal shifts. The increase in progesterone and estrogen is responsible for symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, thereby makes pregnant women vulnerable to dental plaque.
  • The plaque buildup is the reason causing inflammation and bleeding gums. It is a condition referred to as pregnancy gingivitis. Do not worry; you are not alone to suffer. Nearly 75% of pregnant women suffer due to this issue. Depending on the pregnancy gingivitis severity, the periodontal disease develops. It is a gum infection destroying the teeth supporting bones and results in tooth loss that you must see a dentist Provo.
  • Some pregnant women develop tumors, and this is due to too much plaque. It sounds scary; however, they are the growth that is noncancerous on the gums. There may be an overgrowth of tissues causing pain and tenderness. These tumors disappear after the baby’s birth.

Apart from these, pregnancy changes your appetite. Some women crave certain foods, and mostly it is not healthy foods. If you reach for high-carbohydrate or sugary snacks to fulfill your cravings, tooth decay risk is high, and it may result in cavities.

If you also have frequent vomiting or morning sickness, the stomach acid present in the mouth damages your tooth enamel, and it triggers tooth sensitivity.

Treatments for tooth pain

If you have tender gums, toothache, sores, or mouth pain, the first step is to see your dentist in Provo UT. If the tooth pain fails to subside, see the dentist again and mention you are pregnant.

If necessary, get dental x-rays and follow a few dental procedures. Depending on the seriousness, your dentist may delay a few treatments for you to reach the second trimester, at least. This delay is if you require a root canal or a filling. It means general or local anesthesia is a must, and it must not increase the risk of miscarriage in the first trimester.

Once the baby’s vital organs develop by the second trimester, the risk of side effects is low, and so the dentist mostly delays the procedures in the first trimester.

Keep up with cleanings

Routine dental cleaning does not cause harm to your baby. Schedule cleanings, and get teeth cleaned so that sensitivity is away.

Cleaning keeps the pregnancy gingivitis away. The risk of gingivitis recommends frequent cleaning during pregnancy. Plaque removal eases discomfort.

Get necessary specific treatments

Sometimes, you may experience a hinder while eating. In case, there is a need to remove it, wait until the second or third trimester as the process involves local anesthesia.

If you lose a tooth during the second trimester, consult a dentist Provo and get a dental implant fixed, after the second trimester.

Home remedies during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you have to wait until the second trimester to get dental treatment, and it means you must do something at home to relieve pain. You must avoid the foods and drinks that increase your tooth pain. Say no to too hot beverages or foods. Avoid cold foods or cold drinks, as well. Even mouthwashes may worsen your pain as it has alcohol.

Rinse your mouth with salty, warm water. It offers relief from inflammation and swelling. Give a cold compress on your cheek as relief from inflammation. Ask your dentist for some over-the-counter antiseptic and ensure it is a light medicine.